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Statutory assessments were carried out for the academic year 2022 -23

We were delighted with how hard the children worked both before and during these assessments.

Results Summary July 2023

End of Reception

There were 8 children assessed. 3 of these children achieved a good level of development.

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

There were 5 children in Year 1. All 5 children achieved the expected standard. 2 children were assessed in year 2 and both of them achieved the expected standard.

End of KS1 – Year 2

6 children were assessed.

Reading – 5 children achieved the expected standard; 3 of these are reading at greater depth.

Writing – 5 children achieved the expected standard and 2 are writing at greater depth.

Maths –all 6 children achieved the expected standard; 3 of these being greater depth.

End of KS2 – Year 6

7 children were assessed using SATs and teacher assessment.

Reading – 5 children achieved the expected standard; 2 of these are greater depth.

Writing – 6 children were teacher assessed at the expected standard; 3 of which are greater depth.

Maths – 5 children achieved the expected standard; 1 of these is greater depth.


School and College Performance Table information can be found here.

Peformance data for Churcham Primary School can be found here